Welcome to this new blog!


Greetings inhabitants of Isilendor!

From this humble corner from which we tell you great stories and more there are coming, today I present a new blog: What is your skill?

As you know in Isilendor we have incredible Skill Masters who teach us their skills to instruct us on the path of life, to gain experience and why not? perhaps one day we will have a certificate that credits our achievements.
Yes, of course we can have it! You just have to finish all the courses of that specific Skill and you can request one of these. As a previous Skill Master of 'Hunting and survival', I can say that if you are an adventurer who likes to travel from Realm to Realm, explore the most remote places or make long journeys, this is, without a doubt, one of the skills that you are going to have to acquire to be able to develop better.
You never know when a huge sandstorm is going to catch you in the Akasuna desert, for example; I've been through it and it's really not a very pleasant thing, I can say it. You also don't want to be left alone in one of the mountains of Delvheim without shelter from wild animals or without food or water in some remote place in the other Realms, right?
Well, you know what you have to do, go and learn the skill of 'Hunting and survival' well. You will learn to distill water, to build shelters in the mountains and other places, to survive storms of water and sand and to hunt to be able to feed yourself on the long journeys of your adventures.

And for the next blog, you can send me one homework of this skill by courier and you will receive a gift for your effort. Also, if you want, we can share it with the other adventurers in the next blog, so that everyone can read your wonderful writings!
Go ahead, it will be fun!

And that's all for now, be good, but enjoy your way to great Legends!


Master of Diplomacy

Note: I have permission from Daeceran to use his wonderful code.


© code by Daeceran