That's a Pet?


Winged Horses


Hello and welcome all! This blog series will tell you all about the different animals of Isilendor and whether they would make a good pet or not! I'm your host, Castor Black, and this is 'That's A Pet?'

Today's animal is the winged horse!! Let's dive right in!

Winged horses are extremely loyal creatures! They are typically found in Braitheld or in the grasslands. These fascinating creatures are known to have different colored fur and *gasp* wings! These winged animals are very kind and quiet, but have been known to have a temper when provoked, so beware!

These amazing animals are herbivores! So, make sure to give them lots of plants, grain, and hay. Please keep in mind that they can have different personalities too! Make sure to pick out one that matches your personality. We don't want owners to be bucked off! I would recommend knowing how to ride horses as well. We don't want people falling off and flailing through the sky because they bought a winged horse and didn't know how to ride.

So, in conclusion, I would suggest for a pet owner who has had a little bit of experience owning a horse. For all you new pet owners, I would suggest getting a regular horse before a winged one! Well, that's all folks! Thank you for tuning in and please come back next time to learn about cat siths!

© By Audrey's Codes