The war has ended !

Braitheld and Eldathren won.
They returned to their homes. Both lost good men and elves but gained something bigger: Domination and a strong bond between the two realms.
Aliphera decided to keep fighting the enemy. Orcs, goblins, giants, everything that was causing chaos, close to Eldathren's borders.

With her soldiers they became like a legend. Coming second from dragon riders, when people needed help they would offer their swords.


Konrand became the new ruler of Braitheld.

None expected such a thing but the council agreed he helped his realm, won many battles and managed to keep an order with his dragon riders. Citizens of Braitheld loved him, the council did too but there were few who kept an eye on him.

Having the control of a weapon like a dragon could be dangerous if you let your emotions lead you.
Having a whole army of them... it could lead to destruction.

That's why they named him ruler and not king and when it came to take care of something within the realm the council had to come to an agreement with Konrand.
It seemed like there was a balance to the power.

Graix was the second in command to dragon riders.

He gained the trust of some of them. He still had to ask Konrand when it came to something important but he was like their second leader.

He believed dragon riders had a bigger purpose in this world. That they were above everyone, even rulers and kings. His followers believed the same and soon they started showing that.

Not with actions. With words. And we know what happens next. And none had any idea about those beliefs, these dragon riders had. Nor Konrand.

Now they could enjoy peace.

Trade would begin soon with all the kingdoms, the citizens would stop worrying about getting attacked and the world would change now the dragons are back...


NOTE: The contents of this blog are not part of the World of Legends lore, and is not considered IG (in game). This is an independent piece dedicated to fantasy work.

~ Epilogue ~

- Did you get them ?
- Yes
- How many ?
- Eight
- ...
- We will get more. Don't worry

- Do they suspect ?
- No
- Good

( End of Season 1. The next will come soon )