" I'm bored therefore i exist "
~ René Descartes, 17th Century ~
Lazy day, ah ?
It's Friday, ready to welcome the weekend after a whole week of working.
You might not have plans but we're here to show you some activities they used to do, back then.
And since you're here to read the blog we can say you have something to do, right ? *stares*
~ Nap ~
You might think i'm joking.
But i'm not.
People used to sleep for about four hours, twice a day between sunset and sunrise.
Everyone was busy doing hard work, after all and this might seem weird for us. A good nap could heal a whole day working in fields, especially during summer.
~ Archery ~
By having access to a bow and some arrows you could pass your time by doing archery.
Back in the Middle Ages it was one of the most important and useful sports.
Even a law passed, that all men between the ages of 15 and 60 had to practice every week.
And as we already know archers were the key, sometimes, to win battles. Practicing every day or week could make you really good and when you were called in arms you already knew what to do. Especially if you fought again in a war before.
~ Weddings~
That's right. Nowadays they plan a wedding even for months but it lasts only one day.
During those times it lasted longer.
To be more specific, village Weddings Were a Week Long occasion !
Drinking and dancing was also very big for these celebrations and they even sing to the couple to encourage them every day.
This could make people happy during their hard time of living. And they had many times like that for years and years...
That's all folks !
Don't forget to mention your thoughts below and can't wait to see you next time !!!