The war continued for weeks and weeks.
Eldathren's elves were with the side of Braitheld and Akasuna was fighting alone, losing enough soldiers to make them retreat more and more, leaving a lot of ground for their enemies to win.
The king of Akasuna was trying to find a solution to fight them back. He started it, after all and he had to win this war. He found an idea and he sent some men to the west, where Delvheim was, with the hope he can make an alliance and help them in the war.
Some cities had to be destroyed. There was no other way unless the king wanted to lose much of his army, time and gold for supplies and equipment.
Dragons were the best weapon, it seemed. A huge benefit for Braitheld and with Konrand leading them they won one battle after the other.
He started giving the free to some trusted riders, to do what they had to do. In that way he would know who's ready to be in the leadership with him.
The dragon riders were getting more and more. He couldn't have eyes on them all the time. He had found two and if they would pass the test they would split the numbers in three. In that way they could cover a lot of ground and attack more cities, all together, in the same time but different areas.
Aliphera came back.
She decided not to bond with another dragon. But she was very eager to take revenge. And so she asked the king to make a new special team. They would have to seek into the enemy's line and cause as much damage as they can.
It was clear the anger took her mind. And it seemed she had nothing else to loose. She got whoever was bold, strong and feared nothing and in the end she had a team of two hundred men with her.
Meanwhile the king of Eldathren rode north-east to meet with the king or the queen, under the mountains.
None knew who ruled this realm. They stayed inside and you rarely would see a dwarf somewhere in the public view.
He wanted to make sure they would stay neutral and not take someone's side. Or, if they wanted to participate in the war to go with Eldathren's side.
But they arrived too late...
Akasuna managed to secure an alliance with Delvheim. And the dwarf king was very happy with the deal.
They would take many areas once Braitheld would surrender and it was a good opportunity for the dwarves to start a new life outside.
To secure the alliance, Delvheim had to do something for Akasuna. Something that would change the events.
Of course the dwarf king agreed right away. And he set a plan.
When the king of Braitheld arrived he didn't expect that welcoming: A dozen of dwarves, in armored, waited for him once he arrived to the borders
And none heard any news from them, back in Braitheld, for a few days.
NOTE: The contents of this blog are not part of the World of Legends lore, and is not considered IG (in game). This is an independent piece dedicated to fantasy work.