Issue 4 - Maeveth/Chapter 13

The Treasure Chest

There are many fine treasures to dig up around the World of Legends. Golden pages of lore, diamond quality courses and a unique craftsmanship for the overall function of the site. It's safe to say a lot of work has been put into this beauty. Here I will open my treasure chest to share some pearls of wisdom and showcase some true gems of the site!


✧ Roleplay Rubies✧

Dialogue is best presented clearly and with relevance to the situation. There's no point cramming a topic with talking unless there is a need for it. Are the characters having a debate or discussion? Maybe silence is the best approach for a while, to build tension and awkwardness. Don't forget to let your reader know the tone of voice they used as well! Did they whisper, yell or simply say? There is a surprising amount to consider with just the dialogue portion of your writing.
Comment below any dialogue tricks you like to use!


✧ A Perfect Picture ✧

Image by Yakovlev-vad

✧ Golden Guidance ✧

Yes, World of Legends comes with a set of rules here and guidelines here. In this segment we will highlight a piece to be remembered.

"Achievements are gained based on your performance on World of Legends. You can gain an achievement for things like “Log in for 5 days in a row” or “Complete 100 assignments.” When you get an achievement, you will be notified in your notifications."

Are you an achievement hunter? Well, did you know World of Legends has it's own built in achievements outside of the events and games run by our masterful leaders? You can find the list of them on your profile, which will unlock as you interact with the site. It's a great way to challenge yourself to take part and complete the list!

✧ The Pirate's Challenge ✧

In words, describe a scene based on the Perfect Picture featured in this issue. Be as creative as you wish. A few guidelines for the entry:

  • Entry cannot exceed 500 words
  • Must follow site rules
  • Must be written in 3rd person RP format
  • Send entry to the Ambassadors via courier

  • End Date: 11/04/22 at 00:00 UTC+0

The winner will be showcased in the next round and will receive a treasure of their own

Last Issue: The winner is Ledger Hunting, for this amazing entry:

It was winter in Delvheim, and everyone knew it. It wasn't the nice inch of snow on the ground that glistened in the cold sunlight, nor the wind chilling the air, though everyone felt it. It was the giant flakes of crystalline white that fell from the sky. Everyone was either closing up for the day, or already closed up. The dark green of the forest was in direct contrast with the white dusting the pine needles. Eldathren may be beautiful, but Delvheim was something else. A fountain sprayed icy cold water into a small round bowl. The shoddy workmanship of the wooden houses and buildings were offset by the strong, sturdy stone foundations of them. Ledger noticed all of this with a set of golden eyes staring out from under his hood.

The sun was setting, so the sky was getting darker, and lanterns were being lighted. As the village slowly settled in for the night, Ledger walked towards a tavern, indicated to be open. The snow crunched under his boots, and he left very faint tracks. Before stepping into the tavern, Ledger took one more look around. Delvheim's beauty was underscored by the rough edges, but sometimes, rough edges were beautiful.

Well done, Ledger! I'll be sending you on a little something for your efforts!


Thank you for Reading!