Port City of Pelious

My Visit
I could not believe my eyes the first time I into Pelious port. This time I felt more prepared but it still took my breath away. The vast port can be a haven for smugglers... if you play your card right. Lost among the crowd, a dream for someone who doesn't want to be seen. However, the city has a strong naval history and a pirate may also find trouble very easily.
On my previous visit I didn't spend time in the city but I needed supplies before departing. You need to push forward beyond the docks to really value what the city has to offer. It would be easy to get lost there, the winding streets and narrow alleys seemed a perfect place to get nabbed if one didn't have their guard up. Thankfully I was ready if anyone dared challenge me. I managed to trade some... belongings for a few coin and proceeded to the centre.
At the heart of the city, it really was beautiful. The finest structures and a beacon of Braitheld's success. I was advised that royal blood held control in Pelious and to be wary of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. I was especially cautious of crossing a Paladin of Aloysia.. my kind were not too welcome in their eyes. I was better off keeping my head down.. and what better place than to seek refuge.. The Salty Wench.
History & Facts
- The city of Pelious is on the coast of Braitheld, and one of the largest port cities in all of Isilendor. The city has stood the test of time and proved especially valuable during the Great War against Eldathren. The Kaeric family hold a lot of power here, funding the naval efforts.
- The Paladin Order of Aloysia set up a guildhall here. This order are famed for hunting pirates and keep the coastline safe.
- Pelious is filled with wealthy merchants who take up residence in the upper class areas of the city.
- Expect great hospitality in Pelious, the Braitheldeans are quite open to visitors and take great pride in their city.
What to Do
- Admire the great port, filled to the brim with ships from all over the world.
- Visit the Salty Wench, a highly esteemed house of pleasure and frivolity.
- Enjoy the architecture in the city centre
- The guildhall for the Paladin order of Aloysia often welcomes visitors. Listen to their tales of pirate hunting. Warning: Do not visit if you yourself are a pirate.
- Pelious is a marvellous place for bartering and trading. You will find a wide variety of weapons, jewellery and trinkets in the market stalls.
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