Majestic Creatures Profile

The Phoenix

Phoenix Statistics

Habitat: Deserts of Akasuna
Dimensions: Max of 2 metres in wingspan
Diet: Herbivore
Rated Danger Level: 2
Beast Tamer: The Phoenix can be purchased for 8122 Crowns

Real World Phoenix Mythology

The mythology behind the Phoenix is a part of Greek mythology, it also has analogs in many cultures; Egyptian and Persian. The creature became a symbol of renewal and rebirth. Legend has it that each Phoenix lives for around 500 years and builds itself a nest to then set itself on fire. Then, a new one would rise from the ashes.

The Phoenix was often associated with the sun and one myth says the dawn song of the Phoenix was so beautiful, the Sun God, Apollo, would stop his chariot - and the sun - to listen along.

Sources differ when it comes to the bird’s size and colour. Some say it could be the size of an eagle, others, bigger than an ostrich with bright red and gold, maybe purple feathers. But all agreed that the Phoenix had a golden aura as well as that it was exotic, one of a kind.

Etymology of the Phoenix

The modern English word phoenix had entered the English language from Latin. It was later reinforced by the French language. The word itself first entered the English language as a way of borrowing the Latin phoenīx into Old English, fenix. Reinforced by French influence which had also borrowed the Latin noun, the word developed a specialised use in the English language; the term could have been referred to an “excellent person”, “a variety of heraldic emblem” and “the name of a constellation”.

Phoenix Mythology in World of Legends

Traditional Phoenix

The most marvellous and mysterious bird in all of Isilendor, the Phoenix can be only found within the deserts of Akasuna. It nests in the very few trees that exist there. They are approximately as big as a great eagle, with their wingspan reaching to a maximum of 2 metres and they have a majestically long tail of slim feathers and very sharp beak and claws.

It is easier to hear a phoenix sing with their melodious voices, than to actually see one with your own eyes. For the majority that have reported sightings, however, a phoenix can be brightly coloured, and fiery in appearance. They also seem to burst into flames when they fly. Seeing a normal phoenix is said to be an incredible sign of fortune.

Black Fire Phoenix

It is known throughout Isilendor, that the rarest of phoenix to exist would be the Black Fire Phoenix; this unique bird has deep black feathers covering its body, almost like a void. The tail has sparks of blood-red mixed within. Unlike a traditional phoenix, a Black Fire Phoenix is said to be an omen of death to those that spot it.

An Encounter with a Phoenix

One of the main sightings of a traditional phoenix that had been reported was in the deserts of Akasuna, which started to be the reason as to where a phoenix would originate from. The unknown named person had stated they were in a cave reaching towards an opening, and once they had climbed up into the deepest parts of the deserts, they spotted one. Bright red and fiery, the blaze it had set itself upon had concerned the person, until there was nothing but ash. Out from the ash arose a baby phoenix, looking quite burnt.

For more detailed sources of information, see the following links:
~ The Mystic, Hecate