Majestic Creatures Profile

Ice Dragon


Ice Dragon


Habitat: Delvheim, highest peaks
Dimensions: enormous, 4 legs, 2 wings
Diet: Carnivore
Rated Danger Level: 5
Colour: Blinding white scales, blue eyes
Beast Tamer:

Ice Dragon

s are incredibly rare and dangerous and not possible to tame.

Ice Dragon

In Other Media

Game of Thrones

Ice Dragon

s appear in A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) mythology and lore. They are believed to live in the far north of Essos, within the Shivering Sea and the White Waste.

Ice Dragon

s have scales that look like ice, eyes of crystal blue and icy, translucent wings. Like much of ice dragon media, they possess an icy breath instead of fire. Ice Dragons stories are shared as scary tales for children in Westeros.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Famous for it's numerous dragons, Skyrim features a variety

Ice Dragon

called Frost Dragons. Though the naming is different, the characteristics are somewhat similar. They are among the larger and stronger dragons found in the world and unleash frosty breaths.
Frost Dragons mostly have white scales with patches of black and purple around their spine, wings, and head. They have icy blue eyes which glow. Their back and head possess sharp spines and frills.


Frost Dragons show up in a high level dungeon for Runescape. They are powerful dragons covered in ice and frost, found in Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. Frost Dragons use a mixture of melee, ranged or magic based attacks. They can use ordinary dragonfire too.
Wyverns in Runescape are known for using an Icy Breath.

World of Warcraft

Blue dragons in World of Warcraft share characteristics with

Ice Dragon

s. They have blue-white scales and wield an icy cold breath. Blue dragons grow from whelps to drakes to dragons. As dragons, they appear to continue to grow.
Blue dragons have a sophisticated order and nominate leaders. Azeroth is their homeworld and they have their own language. There is another brood under different leadership known as Azurewing.

Wings of Fire

Ice Dragon

s feature in the Wings of Fire books, known as IceWings. They live in the north west of Pyrrhia, in the Ice Kingdom.

Ice Dragon

Mythology in World of Legends

The following is an extract from Morrigan Darkwaters book, "Dragons of Islendor":

"The tall mountains of Delvheim are widely unexplored, as they are blocked for half of the year by an immense amount of snow and ice. In the highest peaks of them live the

Ice Dragon

. This is one of the biggest dragons of the continent, and as the first sightings started with the colonisation of the realm itself, it is believed that this is another of the ancestral dragons that came to our lands. The ice dragon is a very rare sighting, as it is usually observed every some century, but it is always described as the same. It has four legs, a pair of wings and its scales are of a pure blinding white, so much so that it can very easily hide in the snow and it is possible to spot it only when it is flying or when its eyes are open, as they are of pure electric blue.

The reason for the

Ice Dragon

name is bound to its magical power, as it is reported that instead of breathing fire, it breathes ice. Moreover, many believe that the glaciers were created by the ice dragon itself, and that they can never melt because its ice is magical. Some legends say that the ice dragon is so powerful and that its ice is so strong that he started a battle with Helios itself, inducing him to flee from the realm and giving its attention to Akasuna instead, leaving Delvheim in the dire cold. While this story is clearly a mere legend, it gives a sense of how powerful this dragon is believed to be.

Considering all of this, still the

Ice Dragon

is not feared by the Delvic people, but deeply respected. In fact, it is believed that he takes care of the realm and protects it, and to appease it during the summer, once a year, the more observant Delvic people will make an offering reaching the highest peak they can find and leaving there an animal tied down, usually a fat goat, for the dragon to slaughter.``

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