Majestic Creatures Profile
Habitat: Eldathren woodlands and groves
Dimensions: varied height, size of trees
Diet: Unknown
Rated Danger Level: 4
Appearance: Body is made of Tree bark and leaves
Beast Tamer:
s are not possible to tame.
as a word started as the word Ent, meaning "giant" in Old English. This term was coined in reference to the tree folk found in J.R.R. Toklein's books centred around Middle-earth. Tolkein found the word in an old Anglo-Saxon series of poems called 'The Ruin and Maxims II, orpanc enta geweorc'.
The Lord of the Rings
In the 1954 classic fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings features Ent
s as hulking, walking, talking trees-like people. The Ent
s formed their own community in the forests of Middle-earth, living long lives. They are fearsome and strong, able to tear rocks apart. Their primary vulnerability are fire and axes. Ent
s are slow moving and slow talking, known for their patience and caution.
In Other Media
Dungeons and Dragons
The term Treant
came into use in the fantasy tabletop game, Dungeons and Dragons. They were one of the first monsters in the game and inspired by the Ents of The Lord of the Rings. Treant
s in Faerun (one of the original Dungeons and Dragons realms) come in many different species and are capable of speaking with elves and mortals.
Black Desert Online

Another instance
can be found in the Online Roleplay Game, Black Desert. The Korean based video game is set in a medieval fantasy world. There is an area of the map known as Treant Forest where different varieties of Treants live. It is located adjacent to the village of Trent, likely getting its name from the
s that border it. It is not known when Treants first came to exist. Some woodworkers in the area have risked their lives to harvest the wood from the Treants though it is rare to succeed. An extremely tall
stomps around the roads near Trent and moves across the forest.
Mythology in World of Legends
The following is an extract from Navarre Elamoira book, "Eyes of the Wilds: Book One (Eldathren)":
"These ancient beings are perhaps one of the most culturally revered beings in Eldathren’s forests. Considered to be one of the key guardians of the forest, there are still a healthy population of Treants around the deeper parts of the forest but these aren’t always the most friendly of creatures. In general, they like to be left alone and don’t enjoy intruders in their groves. These beings are immortal and highly intelligent but are entirely solitary creatures of considerable power in their grove.
Generally looking just like an old tree of sorts, when awoken the Treant
s are hulking creatures of magical wood. Their bark and limbs are often made into the finest bows Eldathren has to offer if people can earn the trust of these creatures. Just because these creatures are usually defensive, druids and some villages have close relations with treants that live nearby. Little is known how these creatures breed but there are younger treants that are generally more agile and hostile to travellers until they find a grove to settle down in.
Still the best course of action is to just give the creatures a wide berth. Outside of their groves they are difficult to kill but they are too slow to be a significant threat to anyone with moderate fighting skills. But within their groves only skilled mages would likely be able to defeat them as they can boast a terrifying control over the root system and trees in their grove to lash out at attackers. With no real vulnerabilities to conventional weapons, they are rarely killed but at times you can find villages trading large amounts of Treant
wood if they needed to dispatch a particularly hostile guardian."
Comment with a description of a Treant including the following:
- Type of Tree
- Number of arms, legs and fingers
- Colour and pattern of leaves
- Where their grove might be found
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