Elemental Magic
The Primary Elements
Elemental Magic: An Introduction
Elemental Magic
on World of Legends is categorised into 3 major groups; primary, secondary and complex elements. The primary elements are most commonly found around Isilendor and are the easiest to master for magic users. Most mages beginning their elemental magic
studies will discover that they have an affinity to one of the primary elements.
There are 4 Primary Elements: earth, air, water and fire. You can learn more about these through the Arcane Arts, taught by Karanda Hornridge or in her books.
Elemental Magic: The 4 Primary Elements
Known as Euli in the elven tongue, earth magic is known mostly for its strength. Earth is the growth element, able to conjure up plant-life and vines from the ground to use both for offense and defense. Skilled geomancers can throw boulders, camouflage into their surroundings and create earthquakes. Sometimes using the old Eldalair word, Euli before casting can enhance the power of earth spells. Geomancers are typically strong and sturdy yet peaceful mages, valuing life, building, wealth and growth. The earth is as old as time itself, and its protector is the Father, the ancient god Asmundis. Delvheim often produces more earth mages. Earth mages become disadvantaged at sea and get their best strength on land.
Practitioners of air magic are known as aeromancers and are widely considered to be the most agile of mages. Air can be used to enhance the speed of the caster, slash air jets at a target or conjure of harsh wind storms. In the Eldalair tongue, air is known as Alderis and can be strengthened with this word if known. Aeromancers can be temperamental people, stealthy, agile and unpredictable. They can be gentle as a breeze or a force to be reckoned with. It is not uncommon to find Aeromancers in Eldathren, though it can be said that Eldathren was the first to harness any of the elements. It is more difficult to produce air magic underground and in deep water. Open air planes give aeromancers an advantage. A mysterious entity named Airi favours the air and the winds, some say her presence consists of the surviving Sylphs.
For the most part, fire is a highly offensive form of elemental magic. Fire is used primarily for attack when wielded but has its uses out of combat as well, to start a campfire and send warning signals. A caster can protect themselves in flames or incinerate their foes. Be careful not to cross a pyromancer as they’re often hot tempered and quick to attack. Akasuna tends to produce the most pyromancers. Saying the Eldalair word, Fierto, can increase the heat of the flames. The sun gods Solis and Helios give favour to pyromancers, granting solar flare powers to those devoted enough. Fire magic is more difficult to produce at high altitudes and in deep water. Sun exposure and proximity to fire give pyromancers an advantage. Some pyromancers can harness fire so intensely hot that the flames turn blue.
Fluid and mouldable, water is a very versatile element. Someone who wields water is likely to have incredible balance and a sense of self. Water can be used to nourish, bring peace but is also a great source of aggression and something to be feared. Many creatures lie beneath the oceans themselves and the goddess Lorelei takes great command of this element, granting unique water dwelling abilities to those of her choosing. Hydromancers are changeable like the tides, able to remain calm but can turn against you with little warning. Braitheld has a tendency to house more hydromancers than other realms. Water mages need to stay hydrated for more effective spells. Proximity to a body of water creates advantage for a hydromancer.
Elemental Magic: What is Your Primary Element?

Answer the following questions to see which element most aligns with you or your character:
- Which of the following treats do you prefer?
- Icecream
- Jelly Beans
- Chocolate
- Crisps/Chips
- You find yourself amidst a battlefield. There are many wounded or slain. Where would you expect to be situated?
- Tending to the wounded with your healing spells and potions.
- Lining up defences before another attack ensues.
- Preserving your energy for the fight to come.
- Cleaning your blade, excited for it to taste more victories.
- Which of the Isilendor pantheon of deities most appeals to you?
- Lorelei - the goddess of dreams, stars and the sea.
- Asmundis - the god of time, flora and fauna.
- Lemuria - the goddess of the moon, life and light.
- Helios - the god of riddles, chaos and the northern sun.
- When it all comes down to it, what do you value the most?
- Adventure - the chance to see the world, the people and experience everything.
- Peace - a quiet life, unmoved and cherishing the time we have to be ourselves.
- Honesty - as long as everyone stays true to themselves, everything will be okay.
- Passion - we need desires and ambition to keep the world turning, or all will be lost.
- Pursuing skills is an option for World of Legends characters. Where might you end up first?
- Alchemy
- Legends of the Four Realms
- Trade & Negotiations.
- Blacksmithing
Elemental Magic: Results
Mostly A - Your
Elemental Magic
Affinity is Water
Mostly B - Your
Elemental Magic
Affinity is Earth
Mostly C - Your
Elemental Magic
Affinity is Air
Mostly D - Your
Elemental Magic
Affinity is Fire
Tie - You might be more atuned to Secondary Elements or Dual Wielding
For more detailed sources of information, see the following links: