Medieval Fantasy Races



World of Legends

Elves (plural of "


") are an ancient race of Isilendor, originating from Eldathren. It is theorised that they migrated from a lesser known southern continent or were born from the elemental magics. The Elves were first recorded in Eldathren around 5000 OE (Old Era). They began as hunters and gatherers, establishing a strong community in Eldathren and learned to harness magic bestowed upon by the Great Willow.

There are sub species of Elves and Half-Elves around Eldathren due to centuries of generations and assimilation with other races such as dwarves and humans.

There are 3 notable bloodlines from the ancient elves in Eldathren:

Zi'elre - this bloodline is rarely found around Isilendor anymore. They originated in the northern coast of the Eldathren island, settling in large clans, migrating around the realm. The Zi'elre elves possessed strong bonds with animals and the land, later becoming known as the first example of Druids. They had distinct, shifting eye colours and were able to cast magic through their eyes. Their eyes drew suspicion and paranoia from other clans and the Zi'elre were largely pushed out or killed due to fear mongering and mistrust. Queen Arasne Anagonye is recognised as an


of the Zi'elre bloodline.

Vydda - the Vydda bloodline remain a highly respected group and are recognised for their great influence on Eldathren. Vydda elves possess a larger build, with a close resemblance to humans. They are known for their immense strength and architectural abilities. Vydda were more settled and built villages. Despite their skill in combat, Vydda elves struggled to establish themselves as hunters, and later formed relations with the Drataemy which increased the population rapidly. They later become more recognised for taking on the ferocious and dangerous beasts of the woodlands. Early Rulers were mostly of the Vydda bloodline. Many half-elves come from the Vydda bloodline.

Drataemy - Drataemy elves began as strong hunter-gatherers and were the first to learn how to work the land, producing farming settlements across Eldathren. Elves of the Drataemy clan formed smooth alliances with Vydda and the Zi'elre, boosting their population and sharing their knowledge. Many members of the hunters caste possess Drataemy blood and the clan become strong with crafts and arts. Some groups of Drataemy began to distinguish themselves with tattoos to mark adulthood and livelihood. It is rare to find a Drataemy


in the big cities unless war was upon the realm.


After several thousand years, it is unsurprising that elves developed relations with other races in Isilendor. Though the race of an individual is dependent on the mother, it is more common to find they have dwarven or human fathers.


Real World Mythology

Elves originated from Germanic folklore, and shared similarities with the fae folk of Celtic mythology. Elves were understood to be fair spirits that appeared as tiny, humanoids. They were noted for mischief and unpredictable behaviour, with some elves showing benevolence. Elves created diseases or stole children, replacing them with sickly elf children. Elves were thought to be weakened by iron and weapons of iron were developed to protect people, especially children.


In Other Media

Lord of the Rings

Elves in the works of J.R.R. Tolkein were the first known race created by the deities. They were fair and wise and originally named Quendi. Elves were created by Illuvatar and the Quendi name referred to their ability to speak. They were the first known race to be able to speak. The first elves appeared in CuiviƩnen, a far east section of Middle-earth. Elves were created under starlight alone, before even the sun or moon existed. The first elves invented music and poetry, singing beautiful melodies without words initially.

The Dark Lord, Melkor, discovered the elves' existence and summoned spirits to torment them. These spirits took the form of horsemen. This created a fear of the Orome, a group of holy hunters. When the elves fled, Melkor captured some and turned them into Orcs after torturing and mutilating them.

Dungeons & Dragons

Elves in the tabletop game, Dungeons & Dragons are widely used and have many subraces. Elves are recognised for their beauty, grace and respect for the natural world. They are strong, wise and agile, often making for talented rogues, rangers, wizards or druids. Elves have Darkvision, meaning they can see in the dark quite easily though the subrace of Dark Elves (otherwise known as Drow) lived underground and had a stronger affinity for the darkness. Elves could live for hundreds of years and rarely showed much signs of ageing. Most elves do not sleep as other races do. Instead, they mediate into a trance state in order to rest. Due to their inability to sleep, Elves are not susceptible to spells or potions that cause sleep.

Are you an elf? Do you have connections with the ancient bloodlines?

For more detailed sources of information, see the following links:
The People of Eldathren
Forgotten Realms: Elf
One Wiki to Rule Them All: Elves
Britannica: Elf Mythology