Medieval Fantasy Races



s are a fantasy race originating from Dungeons and Dragons. They are considered to be devil spawn and a beast/monster race. Other franchises and games have since created races of similar style of beast/monster races. Such as the Khajit, Daedra and Argonians of Skyrim, Lizard people of Divinity Original Sin and Saunils of Black Desert Online. Cats, Devils and Lizards are the most common forms of beast races that appear across medieval fantasy games.


World of Legends

World of Legends currently does not hold a prominent beast/monster race, even as a status. However, there may be potential for a beast/monster style race to appear in future events. World of Legends is ever growing and expanding the lore, so who knows, one day there may be a definitive


-like species granted by the deities. Orc Kin is the only status based race to come from Divine Favours so far.
Perhaps beast races similar to Tieflings could be manifested from existing beasts recorded in Bestiary Studies.
Some examples from our creatures that could be turned into beast/monster races:
  • Ifrit
  • Aarakoora
  • Ghralx
  • Owletha
  • Maylich
  • Kobellen
Though they are not a race, Therian favour could be the closest we have to beast races so far. Perhaps Asmundis would rise again and create a beast race:


Therians are shape-shifters; the ability of transforming into one animal. If for some reason, they had a mishap when shapeshifting and become a merge of both humanoid and creature, it could be classed similarly to




Real World Mythology

The name was derived by Wolfgang Baur from the German word “tief”, meaning “offspring” that alludes to their origins in the “laser planes” or infernal birth.


Dungeons & Dragons

According to Dungeons & Dragons lore, tieflings are a race of planetouched humanoids. - Planetouched: a category of mortal creatures, commonly of human or humanoid descent, whose bloodlines includes extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends, or elementals. They have primarily human ancestry, however, they draw part of their bloodline from a powerful extraplanar being.

The term of tiefling was first applied to all humans whose ancestry involved any evil extraplanar being of the Lower Planes. Examples of these would be demons, devils, evil deities or other unknown entities.

However, nowadays the term is commonly referred to a specific type of planetouched humanoid who descends from an infernal being or power of the Nine Hells; the most common of all being Asmodeus.

Baldur's Gate Lore

Within the Baldur's Gate lore,


s are primarily inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons in the sense they are human-based and planetouched. Though, they are native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes.

Within the lore, Tieflings are known for having a cunning and personal allure, making them incredible at deceiving.

The taint of their evil ancestors have lingering effects on tieflings.

Are there any classic beast/monster styled races that you'd be excited to see on World of Legends?

~ Mystic Hecate