Medieval Fantasy Races
Real World Mythology
can also be known as fay, fey, fae, fair folk or faerie. They are a type of mythical creature found in folklore in multiple European cultures.
Any myths and tales regarding fairies don’t have a single source of origin. It’s more of a collection of folk beliefs from different sources. Variations of theories about the origins of fairies include the following:
- Demoted angels or demons in Christian traditions
- Deities in Pagan belief systems
- Spirits of the dead
- Prehistoric precursors to humans
- Spirits of Nature
In addition, the term *fairy* has been applied to specific magical creatures with human-like appearances, magical powers and a penchant for mischievousness. It has also been used to refer to goblins and gnomes or even as just an adjective that is equivalent to “enchanted” or “magical”.
One common theme surrounding the legends of fairies is the need to ward them off using protective charms. Known examples of charms are church bells, wearing clothes inside out, obtaining a four leaf clover, and food. It is thought that fairies haunt specific locations and use will-o’-the-wisps to lure travellers astray. Before the invention of modern medicine they were often blamed for illnesses, in particular tuberculosis and birth deformities.
World of Legends
Within the lore on site, there are a few creatures that could be classed or seen as a
or fae due to their likeness towards the description of fairies;
Lylitha: -
Semi-intelligent creatures that live in small tree nooks and do what they can to avoid being found. They are extremely common in the foothills of the Caeraigs and are the size of a snail.
Henyl Nymphs: -
Henyl Nymphs are only the size of a small mouse, but are another set of tree dwelling fairy-like creatures. They have a curious and more playful mannerism and do not be scared if one happens to sit on your shoulder happily if you pass by their home.
Ifrit: -
While the Ifrit can be seen as a creature of its own making, it could also be classed within the fae category, maybe not a fairy in itself. Ifrits are spirits of fire that can control that said element. Do not anger them. I repeat, do not anger them.
Tree Sprite: -
Tree Sprites are common in the deeper parts of the forests of Eldathren and in the Grove of the Fallen. While the book classifies them more as druids, if we take into consideration the real world mythology, they could also be classes as a fairy or fae. They are tricky creatures and can be shy due to a long history of being captured and sold unwillingly as a pet, they tend to only communicate with druids or those who show a care for the forest.
Extract Taken from the Rules Page on site:
During the year 0017 of the New Era, Tenebria sought out those most willing to dive down to the ocean depths in search of the Goddess Lorelei. Those incapable of taking the plunge were transformed into his Will o' the Wisps, spiritual beings of his own design. Capable of shifting between their mortal form (whilst alive) and their spiritual essence, Will o' the Wisps are able to go where the living dare not tread. Their weightless form can glide across surfaces, squeeze into tiny spaces and even phase through objects.
Previously stated in real world mythology, fairies are known to use will-o'-the-wisps to lure travellers away from the designated path. They are also attributed as ghosts or elemental spirits meant to reveal a path or direction. Well, using that to link in with the World of Legends lore, could it be possible that Lorelei is some type of Water-based fae or fairy? As she is not known as an official deity. It could explain why Tenebria had turned mortals into will-o'-the-wisps to find her.
In Other Media
The idea of Fairies in modern media is quite broad. Here is a list of fairies in modern media:
- Disney: There are a range of characters that are fairies including, Fairy Godmother in Cinderella, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in Sleeping Beauty and of course Tinkerbell.
- The Shadowhunter Series - The species of Fae are mentioned and used a lot in the Shadowhunter Series, known to only be able to tell the truth, however, if it can be twisted to what the fae believes to be the truth.
- Winx Club - AN animated television series that is set in a magical universe that is inhabited by fairies, witches and other mythical creatures. The main character is a fairy warrior named Bloom, who enrolls at Alfea College to train and hone her skills.
Rules of the Fey in the Witcher Franchise
The rules of the fey from the Witcher have taken a tremendous hold on those that believe in witchcraft and follow it in real life as some of these rules are followed like law when dealing with fey.
- Never say 'Thank you' to them.
- Never, ever accept a gift from a Fey.
- Never lie to a Fey.
- Always keep your word when dealing with a Fey.
- The Fey hate dirty water.
- Never brag about any interaction that you may have with them.
- Don't spy on them or capture their likeness without their permission.
- Never give them your name (Full or otherwise).
- Never accept food or drinks they give you.
- The Fey hate Iron. Don't carry Iron on you unless you want them to avoid you.
- Never stand in a Fairy Ring. Fairy rings are the rings of mushrooms that sometimes grow where a tree has died, and they’re also portals.
- Never be rude to a Fey, always be respectful and polite. One must be polite when dealing with the Fey at all times, with one exception. (See rule #1)
- Honey can save your life.
What are your thoughts on Fairies? Would you like to see Fairies or Fae as a future status?
Comment down below!
~ The Mystic, Hecate