Join a Guild



typically refers to an organised group with a common interest or goal. In medieval times, most guilds consisted of craftsmen and merchants, setting up rules and regulations for the economy of a region. In medieval fantasy, guilds also include mercenary guilds, magic guilds and more.

Here on World of Legends, the most esteemed


s hold power on site and perform jobs to keep the site moving. Each guild is led by a Guildmaster to keep the members in check and ensure they are performing their duties. Below is a list of the common Guilds found around Isilendor.

Official Site Guilds

The Ambassadors Guild

Guildmaster: Victariah Rauxilfen
Current Members: Mystic Hecate, [Seeking More Members]
The Ambassadors


are in charge of advertising World of Legends beyond the borders of the site. This includes updating social media and writing blogs such as this. The Ambassadors are led by the Master of Diplomacy. In Isilendor, these titles can be used to create politically important characters, and ambassadors for the realms.

The Eld Keepers Guild

Guildmaster: Vacant Position
Current Members: Casey Sayela
The Eld Keepers pride themselves on documenting the histories of the citizens of Isilendor. It is their job to review the profiles of each member to ensure they have a compendium and journal that meet the rules of the site. They are led by the Master of Eld, however, this position is currently open for hire. See the application here

The Bards Guild

Guildmaster: Dryden Falling
Current Members: Lain Laurent, [Seeking More Members]
The Bards Guild lead the articles supplied in "Talk of the Town". They are led by the Augur and are responsible for reporting interesting news and stories from around Isilendor. Bards are master storytellers and can be gifted with music or poetry.

The Troubadours Guild

Guildmaster: Hesta Eisenhart
Current Members: Kaleva Keirakath, [Seeking More Members]
The Troubadours are skilled entertainers and event planners, responsible for creating fun plots and events for everyone to take part in. They were crucial for the organising of the recent Duelling Tournament that captivated our attention. Troubadours need to be up to date with the Dice Rolling System and help run the events under the leadership of the Master of Ceremonies.

The City Guards Guild

Guildmaster: Mason Harris
Current Members: Luna Lucine, Sunni Hunting, Matt Dresden, [Seeking Braitheld Guard]
The City Guards patrol the streets, topics and chat to keep everyone safe and stop troublemakers. They are responsible for upholding the rules of the site and putting an end to misdeeds. Guards can partake in topics in character when upholding the laws of the land. They are led by the Master of Defence.

The Attendants Guild

Guildmaster: Ashriel Fayre
Current Members: Rafail Mellilis
The Attendants Guild are assistants for the Skill Masters, helping to manage the grading that comes through and resolve final grades during disputes. Each Skill Master has the opportunity to employ 1 Attendant depending on their workload. The Attendants need to be up to date with the rules of Observations and Skills.

The Archivists Guild

Guildmaster: Skylar Raven
Current Members: The Skill Masters and Rulers
The Archivists help to update the Hall of Attainment library with important and valuable knowledge. Most additions add to the lore of Isilendor and its 4 realms. The Skill Masters and Rulers of the Realms work closely with the Archivists Guild to upload content relating to their work. Be sure to stop by the Hall of Attainment to admire their efforts.

Reminder: Before Applying for Guild Positions, be sure to review the Rules, Guidelines and Hall of Attainment.
Lore Knowledge Boosts Applications.

User Guilds

In The Guild Registry, site members have the option to create custom Guilds for their own enjoyment. Some use the Guilds to track their family connections, others have created Guilds to find topic partners, hunter Guilds, mercenaries or even dark markets such as assassins and thieves guilds.

code created by Victariah Rauxilfen