About Blacksmithing
Take on the rewarding task of forging a fine blade, crafting a helmet to withstand the blows of battle or moulding the chalice of a great Ruler.
ing is certainly a noble skill to possess. Every town needs one, even to create the hammer and nails that hold your home together.
Working the forge is not all you will learn, Blacksmithing also teaches the unique art of Enchanting. Imbue your weapons with magic, so that you may carry a flaming sword, a charm to boost your magic or an extra bit of protection on that armour of yours.
ing and Enchanting are ancient practices, handed down by the ancestors of Delvheim and Eldathren. At the end of the course you will earn the chance to certify as a Master in Blacksmithing.

The Blacksmith Shop
The Blacksmith shop has a wide variety of weapons and tools for use, depending on your needs. We also have a number of weapons available to win or purchase (in
The Collector). Such examples include;
Elaborate Leather Armour (Female): - Protecting yourself in near life or death situations is a must. Looking good in near life or death situations is much preferred. Whether you just parried your opponent's blade with ease or collapsed upon the battlefield in epic defeat, at least you looked your damn best while doing it and really, what else matters? Oh, the victory, that's right, of course... damn, I was definitely looking at something else.
Weapons Rack: - A place to rest all your weapons whilst you do other things, like train with a new weapon, or go on adventures without some of your weapons, or generally abandon your least favourite weapons...
Smithing Hammer: - Every aspiring Smith needs a good, sturdy hammer to start. Also, not bad for whacking people who annoy you, not that the Weaponsmith condones this behaviour.
Iron Pickaxe: - So what are we mining for today? Coal? Iron? Gold? Diamonds? Whatever you need, we can assure you a top quality trip with this beautifully crafted iron pickaxe for all your mining expeditions! It surely is the gift that keeps on giving…
Gladius: - This is a close combat weapon when you are almost breathing down your challenger's neck, then the feel of the blade made it an instant slash or stab weapon depending on how much mess you want to clean up.
Hunting Knife: - Skinning, preparing meat, cutting rope and of course, stabbing, a hunting knife is a vital tool for anyone looking to venture into the wildlands.
Archery Skill Master Comment
Here is what SM Jorg Farwynn had to say:
"The legend says that if you hammer steel hard enough, into a dwarvish mountain, you will wake up ancient demons. But are you skilled enough to unleash chaos all around Isilendor?
By joining my course you will learn the basics and more, way more actually, for both Blacksmithing & Enchanting that will help you forge your own weapons ans whatnot, forge your destiny (or doom everyone's else)."
Is your Character a Blacksmith or interested in studying Blacksmithing? Comment down below!
~ The Mystic, Hecate