Majestic Creatures Profile
Habitat: the plains of Braitheld
Dimensions: typically larger than the average horse
Diet: Herbivore
Rated Danger Level: 3
Appearance: a large horse with long, feathered wings
Beast Tamer:
is known as a Winged Horse in Isilendor and can be purchased from the Beast tamer for 14062 crowns.
Real World Mythology
Greek Mythology
The concept of
stems from Ancient Greek Mythology, the immortal horse with wings (also known as Pegasos). The name
roughly means "sprung forth" which references its birth, springing from the neck of Medusa after she was beheaded. A powerful Greek Hero by the name, Bellerophon, famously rode
into battle. Bellerophon was the son of Poseidon and had to tame Pegasus in order to ride the winged horse. Unfortunately for Bellerophon, his victory against the Chimera might have boosted his ego a bit too much. With the help of Pegasus, he attempted to fly to the heavens, which was seen as an insult in the eyes of Zeus. The king god caused Pegasus to buck, throwing Bellerophon back to earth. However,
continued the journey to Olympus and became an official thunderbolt bearer for Zeus. The legend of
is now commemorated by the constellation when the season of spring starts to begin in Greece, signified by thunderstorms.
Existence in World of Legends
The following is a comment from The Beast Tamer:
"Winged Horse: A noble steed of both land and sky, you will not find a companion more brave nor loyal. A true warrior in his own right, he will go wherever you go, protect all you hold dear and face all your foes by your side This is one spirit who could never be broken"
Extract from "The Book of Beasts" by
Jesper Myran
”A winged horse, is exactly as it sounds, it is a horse with wings, they live in the grasslands, and are herbivores. They can be found in Braithheld.”
The Nightmare Horse
This is an old Legend famed across the realm of Braitheld, that many witnesses can attest to. A large, fiersome horse roams the plains of Braitheld, protecting other horses from humans in particular. The legend documents his history; a captive Winged Horse who had his wings clipped as a foal. He experienced horrendous magical experimentation until he gained the strength to overcome his captor and break free. This horse ran all the way from Akasuna back to Braitheld and is now seen as a horse Guardian where he roams, though originally thought to be an evil spirit.
Winged Horses used to be more commonly found but were subject to poaching for a long time. Few will approach the herds anymore for fear of being attacked by the Nightmare Horse.
The Arcane Arts
Winged Horses do have another connection with darkness. Those who master shadow magic (status: Shadowstryder) can conjure a shadow sprite. Most commonly, the shadow sprite takes the form of a Winged Horse.
Duelling Companion
On World of Legends, you have the option to load in your purchased pets as duelling companions. The Winged Horse can be included in your load out to give an added kick every 2 turns. Your Winged Horse might just be your saving grace.
Note: The status pets are being reviewed for use in duelling, possibly adjusting/changing the type of attacks currently listed.
What do you think of Winged Horses (ie. Pegasus)?
Do you own one or want to own one?