Majestic Creatures Profile





Habitat: The Grove of the Fallen, Eldathren
Dimensions: Can vary from smaller than your average horse to just a little bit larger
Diet: Herbivore
Rated Danger Level: 2
Appearance: Typically white, to symbolise purity, with a swirled horn on its head.
Beast Tamer:


used to be in the possession of the Beast Tamer. Most recently it featured as a prize for Lemuria's Winter Festival. The Beast Tamer expects to regain a stock of Unicorns in the future.


Real World Mythology

Chinese Mythology

Often referred to as the “Chinese


”, the Qilin, is a mythical creature from Chinese folklore that is best resembles a unicorn; it has a horn in the same placement as one, but the creature is not horse-like at all. It’s closer to looking like a chimera. The Qilin is described as having the body of a deer, the head of a lion, green scales, and a long, curved horn. Interestingly, the Qilin became associated with giraffes during the Ming dynasty. When Zheng He, a famous Chinese explorer, brought back giraffes from East Africa, they were mistaken for Qilin due to their long necks, horns, and gentle nature. But the Qilin isn't the only mythical creature with a horn! The Shanhaijing, an ancient Chinese text, mentions the Bo-horse, a chimera horse with an ox tail, a single horn, and a white body. It was said to be able to walk on water! Another similar creature, the Bo, also had a horn and a black tail, but with tiger teeth and claws, and a taste for leopards and tigers! So, while the Qilin might be the most famous horned creature in Chinese mythology, it's far from the only one. These fantastical beings, with their unique combinations of animal features, add a touch of magic and wonder to Chinese folklore.

Japanese Mythology

This Kirin, is to be closer to the Western


, but is still based on the Chinese Qilin. Kirin, has come to be the modern Japanese word for giraffe, are depicted to be more deer-like. But has alternative depictions as a dragon shaped like a deer, but with an ox’s tail instead of a lion’s tail. However, they are portrayed as partially unicorn-like in appearance but the horn curves backwards.


Existence in World of Legends

The following is a comment from The Beast Tamer:

"Nothing is more magical than these beasts that express naught but love and laughter. As long as Unicorns roam the earth, evil can never harm the pure of heart."

Extract from "Eyes of the Wild: Book One (Eldathren)":

Of course one of the most renowned and legendary creatures makes its home in our forest but they are exceptionally rare. Only truly interacting with those considered pure and innocent, the war has caused most of these creatures to go deep into hiding. Even druids have no reliable way to find these creatures. Killing one of these beautiful creatures is supposed to blacken and taint the soul which will result in the other creatures of the forest avoiding you entirely.


s are deeply magical creatures and are said to be able to completely vanish when threatened. Their distinctive horn is a beautiful adornment but it can also go right through armour if, for some reason, you try attacking one. But unicorns are not aggressive beasts in the slightest. Instead they can be found peacefully grazing in open meadows or moving through the forest in complete silence. There is said to be a known unicorn in the grove of the fallen but that is the only confirmed location.

There are hopes that with the end of the war, more of these creatures will make themselves known to us. But only time will tell and if you ever have one cross your path you may consider yourself lucky that such a force of good has deemed you worthy to look upon it.

The Arcane Arts

Unicorns do have another connection with light. Those who master light magic, can conjure a light sprite. An opposing partner to the Winged Horse and shadow magic, the light sprite takes on the form of a Unicorn.


Duelling Companion

On World of Legends, you have the option to load in your purchased pets as duelling companions. The Unicorn can be included in your load out to give an added kick every 2 turns or grant a healing buff.

Note: The status pets are being reviewed for use in duelling, possibly adjusting/changing the type of attacks currently listed.

What are your thoughts about unicorns? Have you ever spotted a unicorn? Comment down below!

~ The Mystic, Hecate