Legends of the Four Realms
Skill Master: Irina Elmere
Rank Range: Rank 1 - 4
Topics: Old
s of Isilendor, Delvheim History, Braitheld History, Akasuna History and Eldathren History
Books: The Book of
s, An Era of Old, Campfire Tales and More,
of the Sabulo Dwarves, The Legends and Tales of Isilendor: Volume 1 and 2, The Path of Legends
Where to Go: Course Link
About Legends of the Four Realms
In this course you will gain a firm grasp of the history,
s and traditions of Isilendor. What came before the first beings? How did the elves put down roots in Eldathren? How long did Delvheim dwarves dig to create the large underground city? What turmoil ran through Braitheld? Who were the emperors of Akasuna? These questions and many more can be answered.
There are intricate Legends woven into the history and culture of Isilendor. If you are new to World of Legends, or simply want to understand the lore better, Legends of the Four Realms is the best place to visit. You can learn a new piece of Isilendor history each week, allowing yourself to ease into the lore and maybe influence the decisions of your character creation.
At the end of the course you will earn the chance to certify as a Master in Legends of the Four Realms. This is a great way to commemorate your new found knowledge of this wonderful land.
What is a Legend?
The following is an extract from "The Path of Legends" by Petra Lowell:
"A Legend is more than simply learning a story, so it’s important to get this notion out of your mind that it’s simply a short history lesson. Of course, there are aspects of history here, but a Legend is based on stories of old, not always stories of fact. Every Tale, be it true or not, has shaped Isilendor to what it is now. This land was born with magic and we carved it with bloodshed and at times, near ruin, to get these realms to the peaceful states they are in now. We have a duty to this land to ensure that those tragic events of the past do not find their way into the future - to ensure history does not repeat - and only by learning those tales of good and bad can we truly prevent that from happening."
Quickfire Legends
There are so many Legends told across the Four Realms of Isilendor. Here is a small taste of randomly selected Legends found in our library.
Isilendor - Long before mortal beings walked the lands, Isilendor was home to the elementals, or elemental spirits. Evortes, Sylphs, Spriggans, Undines and Aether were the spirits that roamed.
Akasuna - The Infernus are a mysterious group of assassins with frightening rituals and practices.
Eldathren - Children of the Wildwood are small spirits that spawn in the Elderwood, each bearing a wooden mask.
Delvheim - The Malignant Hourglass is a terrifying artefact that would connect to a person's life force, with the possibility of speeding up their death.
Braitheld - The Ghost-Ship of Pelious is captained by Vaulonhaum, it's crew cursed to serve even in death.
Legends of the Four Realms - Skill Master Comment
Congratulations to Irina Elmere who has become the Skill Master for Legends of the Four Realms. She has given her thoughts about the course:
"Though the travels take you far, what will take you farther is the knowledge you will gain along the way. From the cliffs of Delvheim, forests of Eldathren, deserts of Akasuna, and plains of Braitheld, there is a story in each one. To be knowledgeable about the past is to be prepared for the future, after all. You can never know when the things you learn will be vital, but they will be.
"Humanity will forever continue to create new legends, it is your choice if you will be one of them.""
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