How To Medieval

Welcome lords and ladies to the very first " How To Medieval " blog!!!
A site like WoL is an escape from our real world and everything that has to do with medieval or fantasy

So, without any further delay I would like to introduce you this blog series that we will talk about what things and activities you can do to bring you closer to your favorite genre.

I'm pretty sure we all know about those classy letters with wax seals we have seen in movies.
Who wouldn't like to get one? And the biggest con is that you can get a set budget! A very useful way to send a letter with a wax seal via the post office.
The Wax Seal
The wax seal was used from the Middle Ages by wealthy or ruling classes and noble families. The main purpose was to use wax to seal important documents or letters and it had the symbol of the family. Around the 13th century the common people could use it too.

According to researchers the wax is made by shellac or paraffin wax and coloring pigments. This means you can find every color you desire and even mix two or three together.
However it requires some practice so don't be afraid to use wax many times on papers till you success. It's important when it comes to send a mail via post office to look stunning.

Then we have the stamp. The stamp defines who you are because it contains your sigil. It was like the IDs we have nowadays and everyone was unique.
You can get stamps from shops and you can even request custom ones with the symbol of your choice. Prices vary and custom made can be a little bit more expensive.


While you can use normal paper ( A4, A5 etc ) you have the choice to get some vintage or old looking pieces of paper to make your letter stay in the aesthetic you desire to give.

It helps with the aesthetic you want to give to your letter.

Sites like give many options with different styles of parchments you might need. Vintage, Retro, Steampun and more are some of the products you can find. From those sites you can buy in bulk and the prices are good.

I can already imagine how they smell... *dreams*
The Progress

The Letter

Once you have everything you need you start writing the letter.

I hope you have a good writing character *stares*
Melting the Wax

To melt your wax you will need one of those small and round candles and a spoon. If you don't have the special deep spoon you can use a soup one. Try to find something that is deep.

Then you put pieces of wax on it. If you want you can add two or three colors.
Place the spoon above the candle and wait for it to melt. Make sure you do small and slow movements of the spoon to have it melt completely.
The Sealing

Once you have put the letter into the envelope you bring the edge of the opening on the surface, pour the melted wax from your spoon and then place your stamp onto it. It's a good idea to have the stamp cool before you do that.

You just leave it for a few seconds till you see it's cooled. Then remove the stamp and voila!
You're ready to ship it to your friends or... enemies. Who knows? Maybe it's war declare *coughs*

You can draw your wax seal
The wax seal will have a special character like a letter or a symbol. You can color it and it look more classy
Let it cool
It will be better if you cool the seal stamp before use it.
Try again and again and again
The first time you will use wax you might fail. Don't feel down about it. Try it as many times as it needs on paper before you use it on the envelope you want to send.
But did you know?
By watching videos with tutorials and tips it will help you get new ideas.

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