Arts & Crafts

Skill Master: Nara Harlow
Rank Range: Rank 1 - 4
Topics: Cooking, Baking, Fabrics, Woodwork, Stonework, Literature
Books: The Book of Crafts
Where to Go: Course Link
Reward Item: Wedding Cake

About Arts and Crafts

Arts & Crafts covers many of the skills important to Isilendor, helping to keep the world functioning. The simple act of cooking a meal is a craft of its own. Your leatherworker, your shoes, the very saddle that keeps you on your horse and the books recording our histories gain much of their abilities by studying the topics of this course.

It's all well and good to fight and cast a spell but Arts & Crafts will help you mould your character into something more. To add meaning to their lives outside the events that trouble us or jobs that are necessary in society. Maybe you wish to be an esteemed seamstress in the city, a carpenter of ships, a stone mason for the Rulers. There are so many options this course can prepare you for.

At the end of the course you will earn the chance to certify as a Master in Arts & Crafts

Skill Master Comment

Here is what SM Nara Harlowe had to say:

"Arts and crafts is about a wide variety of activities involving making things with your very own hands. I would describe it more as a hobby than a class you need to study really hard for - and yet you will gain incredible skills and knowledge since some crafts and art skills have been practised since prehistoric times while others are more recent inventions. Let's explore the world of Arts and crafts together and I promise you we are going to have some fun!"

Don't forget to take part in this week's special event to win reward items for the skills on site. For more information visit this link:
Skill Master Spotlight: Arts & Crafts
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