That's a Pet?


Cat Siths


Hello and welcome all! This blog series will tell you all about the different animals of Isilendor and whether they would make a good pet or not! I'm your host, Castor Black, and this is 'That's A Pet?'

Today, we are tackling a personal favorite of mine....The Cat Sith! And no, it is not a cat that is a Sith Lord.!

It is said that cat siths are extremely lucky. These darling creatures can be found anywhere in Islendor, as they are adaptable and don't have preferences on where they live, as long as there is shelter and prey. Cat siths usually have the appearance of a black cat with a white star on their chest.

Unsurprisingly, these finnicky creatures are carnivores. So, I suggest feeding them only meat, because if you feed a carnivore vegetation, they could get terribly sick. Cat siths are also referred to as the King of Cats. Perhaps it has to do with the star on their chest.

So, in conclusion, I would suggest for a pet owner who has had a little bit of experience owning a cat sith. For all you new pet owners, I would suggest getting a regular cat before the king of cats! Well, that's all folks! Thank you for tuning in and please come back next time to learn about phoenixes!

© By Audrey's Codes