Realm Board: Braitheld
Have you ever wondered about the land of grass and blood? The Ambassadors Guild have been venturing across all four realms. Today we're sharing a few notes from our travels in Braitheld.

- From : Daeceran Theliènne

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Liviana Balmoira

Liviana Balmoira Such a good post! But I have to agree, there is a lot of grass here

Sereia Theliènne

Sereia Theliènne This post is amazing! Very interesting and well written. Great work! ♥

Nara Harlowe

Nara Harlowe Fantastic article! I need to visit Braitheld next!

Stefan Warren

Stefan Warren How interesting it is! I didn't know about Kaeric's family! That's damn scandalous :o Well done Daeceran ♡

Hesta Eisenhart

Hesta Eisenhart Oh my god this is so cool!

Arulíaine Charmaetíen

Arulíaine Charmaetíen Amazing and informative post. Can't wait to read about the other realms too.

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