2025-03-07 18:35:00 - From : Victariah Rauxilfen
Helebella Hornridge I looove conjuration, it's so draining though
2025-03-08 11:45:51
Mason Harris Conjuration, one of my favourite spells to use. It's also nice to learn more about it.
2025-03-07 22:34:47
Talyn Griffiths How cool would it be to conjure the elements!
2025-03-07 21:22:47
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[Blog] Mastering Magic: Conjuration
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[Blog] The Skill Log: Legends of the Four Realms
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[Blog] Mastering Magic: Abjuration
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World of Legends
Helebella Hornridge I looove conjuration, it's so draining though
Mason Harris Conjuration, one of my favourite spells to use. It's also nice to learn more about it.
Talyn Griffiths How cool would it be to conjure the elements!