Mage: The Arcane, Divine & Dark Arts
Mages can be found in many different varieties. Read here to find information about types of mages that you may become or come across in your life.

- From : Victariah Rauxilfen

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Aventurine Hyde

Aventurine Hyde Honestly Warlock sounds the coolest but I would probably be a Spellsword or a Aeromancer

Helebella Hornridge

Helebella Hornridge I’m a bit of a wizard, quite academic

Lain Laurent

Lain Laurent I wish to become an Electromancer one day

Dorian Lucine

Dorian Lucine Dark mages are excellent, it's fun to be a warlock

Gilfrid Von Harrowfield

Gilfrid Von Harrowfield I do so enjoy being a hydromancer

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