


Aarakocras are mythical creatures said to be living in the peaks of Delvheim’s mountains. They are described in myths, fables and legends humanoids with bird-like features. Sometimes they have a human shape but bird wings, and other times their face is one of a bird as well. Due to these inconsistencies, many scholars doubt their existence, but the vast number of legends featuring these creatures lets us hypothetize that there must be a core of truth to this legend. Recent fossil discoveries are also advancing the hypothesis that aarakocras inhabited the realm in a time predating dwarves, and are now extinct.

Similarly to birds, aarakocras are said to have a very various, omnivorous diet. They are also always pictured as extremely intelligent creatures, easily comparable to humans, if not superior.



Beast facts

Habitat Mountains
Dimensions Human-sized
Diet Omnivore
Danger level 5/5

They have often been represented as magical users as well and are considered a sacred creature to Delvheim that can be found only in the tallest peaks of the realm, where humans cannot be found.

The most notorious legend featuring these creatures have them as companions to the mythical ice dragon who is said to live on top of the Pinnacle, the tallest point in Delvheim and the whole of Isilendor.