


Aellara are among the biggest reptiles living in Braitheld, with size comparable to big dogs. Their skin is scaly and sturdy, and the whole body is covered in spikes. Despite the animal not being a predator and not representing a dangers to humans in itself, their spikes contain a fatal neurotoxin able to kill anyone who is unlucky enough to get punctured. This neurotoxin is believed to be a defence mechanism against Braxor Hounds, another creature native to Braitheld.

Despite being quite common and peaceful creatures, aellaras are often regarded as pests and hunted down due to the danger of accidental poisoning. They are also hunted especially to collect their venom, which can be used to produce life-saving antidotes, or can be used in illicit manners.

Aellaras are most common in the north of the realm around the village of Cor’ethla, who’s people have developed a resistance to the toxin over the centuries of coexistence, and often keep these reptiles as pets and as a defence against Braxor hounds.



Beast facts

Habitat plains
Dimensions large dog-sized
Diet Carnivore
Danger level 2/5