[Magic Community] The Taelaname
The Taelaname
The Taelaname is a secret society of mages hidden somewhere within the Akasuna desert. Many people doubt its existence since few people have seen it.
In recent years, a secret society of mages was discovered in the heart of Akasuna. Maps can’t locate it, but the strongest and most worthy mages of Isilendor may find it if they try. They went into hiding during the Great War, wishing to remain indifferent to the politics of the lands. Their main aspiration is to learn the hidden powers of the world and challenge the mages who think they can join their ranks. The Trials of Tulaea are a series of arduous tasks that mages must complete before they can enter the Taelaname, a Citadel unseen but for those accepted to the ranks. They are led by High Chancellors of Taelaname. Some don’t believe the place exists at all since very few have seen it.
Trials of Tulea
The trials include 6 stages, each as dangerous and strenuous as the last.
The Path of Endurance
A winding, narrow, desert path with many dangers. Mages must protect themselves and endure until they reach the other side.
The Chamber of Errael
A slow filling chamber of water with no apparent way out… or so it seems. Mages must use their skills to find an exit before drowning.
The Fierto Peak
An unusual, fiery volcano crater that seems to be created by the Taelaname sorcerers themselves. Rocks and lava fling themselves violently across the plain. Cross the edge of the crater without being incinerated.
The Polydria Pit
A long, misty plain that feels endless. Spirits of the departed haunt the mages who walk inside. This trial can cause great pain to killers, who will be face to face with the spirits of their victims. They must withstand their greatest fears to be free.
The Bliss
A dreamland of the mages’ truest desires. A perfect harmony. The mages who make it this far rarely leave and usually wither away. Only those with the strongest willpower can ignore their hearts most deep wishes.
The Tiers of Tulaea
A darkened stairs surrounded by empty space, or so it seems. Mages must climb their way through the void itself. It’s suspected that this area is the Aether itself and only a mage truly in touch with their powers can work through it.
Members & Hierarchy
They are led by High Chancellors of Taelaname. Since the end of the war, successful mages have been chosen by the High Chancellors to teach magic and seek out talented magic users to urge them towards the trials. Members try to preserve ancient and powerful magic with an effort to protect it. They encourage studying experimental magic and are rumoured to house magic relics.