


Very few animals are as famous in Akasuna as the Allocamelus. While not as common as their close cousins, the camels, allocameli (plural for allocamelus) are not a rare sight in Akasuna, especially as they can be bred by people. Even if they clearly resemble their cousins, they don’t have any hump on their back (or sometimes two very short ones) and their head is more similar to the one of a horse or a donkey, but with bigger ears. They are sandy in colour, have very skinny and long legs and are extremely docile animals. They can run quite fast and are naturally adapted to the sun and dryness of the desert, so they are the perfect transportation methods. Thanks to the absence of the hump, they are more comfortable to ride than the common camels, but as their population is less numerous, they are often a sign of status for a merchant.

Many people also believe that having an allocamelus for a trader in Akasuna is a sign of luck and prosperity, and that is why allocamelus breeders can make a very nice amount of money off them. Sadly, for the same reason, the wild population that normally lived around the city of Akasuna is now endangered, and they are more commonly seen in the property of merchants than in the wild.



Beast facts

Habitat desert
Dimensions camel-sized
Diet herbivore
Danger level 2/5