2020-11-20 20:06:00 - From : Daeceran Theliènne
Vanessa Farrah Jorg: be yourself also Jorg: don't be weird Me: but- but- I- how- no-
2020-11-29 06:33:07
Summer Cora Thats some epic music..
2020-11-21 12:42:59
Ashriel Fayre In short: don't be weird. I do not think I can meet that requirement xD
2020-11-20 23:01:40
Caoihme Verona *Invites Jorg to a hunting party* That's some great advice! Cheers!
2020-11-20 20:17:16
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World of Legends
Vanessa Farrah Jorg: be yourself
also Jorg: don't be weird
Me: but- but- I- how- no-
Summer Cora Thats some epic music..
Ashriel Fayre In short: don't be weird. I do not think I can meet that requirement xD
Caoihme Verona *Invites Jorg to a hunting party* That's some great advice! Cheers!