That Fantasy Show: How to Battle Boredom
What did people do in the middle ages? Were they not bored? Jorg is here to help us understand!

- From : Daeceran Theliènne

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Wendil Nidhogg

Wendil Nidhogg I assume I won't be bored anymore after reading this? no?

Ary Dharasha

Ary Dharasha I love this! xD

Níniel Hayleglokary

Níniel Hayleglokary Some very useful data as tips! Jorg ... good job!

Aamonath Fernindal

Aamonath Fernindal Wonderful article good sir!

Caoihme Verona

Caoihme Verona So many interesting facts! Usually, I like to be up close in the violence with daggers... Maybe I should give archery a try. Hmmm, always though weddings lasted as long as there was cake. People eat too much cake these days, that's why they only last a day :'D

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