Caoihme Verona So many interesting facts! Usually, I like to be up close in the violence with daggers... Maybe I should give archery a try. Hmmm, always though weddings lasted as long as there was cake. People eat too much cake these days, that's why they only last a day :'D
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Wendil Nidhogg I assume I won't be bored anymore after reading this? no?
Ary Dharasha I love this! xD
Níniel Hayleglokary Some very useful data as tips! Jorg ... good job!
Aamonath Fernindal Wonderful article good sir!
Caoihme Verona So many interesting facts! Usually, I like to be up close in the violence with daggers... Maybe I should give archery a try. Hmmm, always though weddings lasted as long as there was cake. People eat too much cake these days, that's why they only last a day :'D