Character Styles of Medieval Fantasy RPG
What are the most popular playstyles of medieval fantasy online games? Well, here are some ideas that might tickle your fancy

- From : Victariah Rauxilfen

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Elena Norman

Elena Norman Elena is probably a Rogue

Madallaine Clanlight

Madallaine Clanlight I would say the Rogue suits me

Anak Aitken

Anak Aitken It is not a surprise that Anak is a cross between the ranger and the assassin xD

Ashriel Fayre

Ashriel Fayre Tradespeople aren't common... we're highly skilled individuals, like no other ♥

Enellena syr Ketla'Errael

Enellena syr Ketla'Errael Hmm, I’m not sure if I fit here. In a way I’m a cross between a Ranger for the desert, and a rogue.

Hesta Eisenhart

Hesta Eisenhart So, where's the hermit category?

Helebella Hornridge

Helebella Hornridge Karanda is a full blown mage XD not that it's a surprise

Orwen Brewer

Orwen Brewer I definitely fit into Warrior

Gilfrid Von Harrowfield

Gilfrid Von Harrowfield Definitely a Mage from this list - leaning more towards druid...

Lain Laurent

Lain Laurent I don't think Lain fits any of those classes, if anything he is a hybrid of a Tradesman, Rogue and Mage. If I had to narrow him down to just one class it would be Artificer - though not on the list.

Dryden Falling

Dryden Falling Ah, I fit into a Rogue build. Interesting.

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