Magical Masters: Aeromancer
Magic can lead down many roads. To darkness to success, to survival, to death. Introducing professions that can become of your magical skill

- From : Victariah Rauxilfen

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Vin Moraia

Vin Moraia All these abilities seem so helpful and incredible.

Mason Harris

Mason Harris interesting, I would love to have a playful duel some time with an aeromancer

Lain Laurent

Lain Laurent I suppose this would make me a Windwalker... but I want to move up into lightning

Amana Falvian

Amana Falvian aeromancer here too... though necromancy takes up a lot of my time these days. I like to use it to enhance Amana's fighting abilities.

Serena Everhart

Serena Everhart I think that being a aeromancer would be very helpful if your more of a long distance fighter or maybe a aid? I think that most of it's abilities would help out if you were in a large fighting party, out in the open!

Helebella Hornridge

Helebella Hornridge i'm a bit of a Windwalker myself! my little legs needed the help XD

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